Thursday, January 17, 2008


I don't think I need to remind everyone the buzz about this movie. 82% favorable Rotten Tomatoes rating (quite high), a favorite to win multiple awards, etc. But let me be plain and concise: this movie SUCKED.

I mean, it really sucked. It didn't just fail to live up to my high expectations. It wasn't "just okay." It really, truly sucked. It was god-awful. Everyone involved in the production of this film should consider some serious atonement for me and others having to sit through this piece of garbage. I can't recall a time where I've gone to the movies and been more bored. Even the scenes of WWII were extremely boring. I've never seen war depicted more boringly. Yes, the war wasn't too central to the movie, and yes it was a romance, but still. And don't comment on the brilliance of the beach shot at Dunkirk. Yawn.

And no, I'm not some guy who can't appreciate an artistic movie. My girlfriend agreed with me 100% on the crappiness of this film. Which begs the question, how can so many critics see a movie one way, and all be so totally wrong? I recently heard someone comment on the fact that rotten tomatoes may be creating a groupthink phenomenon among critics. Essentially, no critic wants to be the one who disagrees with the mass, for fear of appearing wrong. I didn't agree with that theory when I heard it, and I still don't think I do. But how else can so many people who critique movies for a living be so wrong? I just don't know. I really don't. I won't get into plot details, although I hope that no one who reads this review sees the movie.

I think I need a nap now to cool down from all this ranting. I could go on and on, but why just make myself madder? DON'T SEE THIS! That's all you need to know.

(6bears- the off the scale mark is due to the fact that this shitty movie made us miss the first 35 minutes of project runway this week---- 1anti bear because the music was nice and it was visually nice)


Eric said...

Atonement sucked? I don't know if the word that comes to mind first is "duh" or "sucka."

Anonymous said...

Wow. I wish I would have read this review before I wasted 2 hours of my life. This was a yawner of a movie and was badly put together. A lot of subplot but little plot.

Anonymous said...

My fiance and I totally agree!!! We nearly fell asleep!!!

It sucked and was severely boring,vapid and underdeveloped.

Couldn't agree with you more!